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The Ninja Epidemic

"Officer! Officer!" you shout with all the wind that's left in you after that mad dash through the neighborhood. "You've got to help me!"

The cop lowers his sunglass and appraises you with a suspicious glint in his eyes. "Aren't you one of those street-punks I busted for smoking pot behind the White Castle on 7th Street?"

Damn. But that has nothing to do with your current predicament! "That's not important right now!" you reply desperately. "I'm being chased by ninjas!"

The cop chuckles at that remark. "I'm sure in your delusional, marijuana-hazed mind you're being chased by all sorts of mythical creatures. Good. Maybe that'll teach you to stay away from dope! You God damn hoodlum!"

And just like that he rolls up his windows and speeds away. "Fucking worthless small-town cops," you mutter ruefully. The ninjas cross the street, not missing a beat. What do you do?