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Another Monday Morning

You proceed to unload the body out of the trunk and approach the mall. As soon as you reach the door, you realize that was a very bad idea. Literally thousands of shoppers stare at you in shock. A security guard comes up to you. He's about 7'2" and looks to be about 280 pounds of rock solid muscle. He easily tackles your bony butt to the floor. Within minutes, you are arrested. Eventually you are convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Your cellmate, a scrawny little guy called "Snake," probably because of a cobra tattoo on his chest, quickly befriends you.
During your third year in prison, Snake tells you he's going to break out. "I'll let you in on this if you like," Snake says. "Or if you want to stay here and hope for parole, that's fine too." You ponder the decision for a moment.