Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Paradise Violated

The Empire and You.

Sure sounded like a good idea at the time when you first saw those commercials and heard all the propaganda about how humanity needed you most. You pretty much bought it hook line and sinker, just like they planned.

Were you REALLY that bored on your backwater planet?

Well yeah you were actually. You were raised on a relatively unsettled world, barely colonized, just a few farming communities basically. Your world wasn't dangerous at all; the Empire had long since exterminated a native species living on it before humans came to settle it. Yep, nice and orderly.

You always felt stuck on your insignificant planet, you felt like you should be doing something greater, something more important. When the recruiters came you saw it as a way out of the intergalactic boonies and joined up right away. No longer would you be some drone, you'd be making a difference for humanity and gaining all the accolades that go with it. Since then you're almost regretting that decision.

It's not really the danger that bothers you, or the suicide like missions they give you. It's the mood of still feeling insignificant. You thought this would all be different somehow. You thought you'd have a command of legions of troops, bringing glory to the Empire, and conquering worlds in HIS name.

As it is, you're a glorified scout, because the Empire decided your skills would be better put to use there and of course the Empire is ALWAYS right.

Sure there's adventure, but no fame, no adoration, there's barely any acknowledgement for what you do, despite the fact that you've gotten pretty good at it and reached the rank of Captain. But if you were to get killed, you'd be replaced easy enough. The average grunt is probably more valued, you're a canary in the coal mine.

Sometimes you think there's gotta be a way out of this mess you've gotten yourself into…

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