What Ho!

"'Ere now, you expect me to believe that cock and bull?" he says, squinting his beady eyes.

"Er, yes, that was what I was hoping, rather, yes..." you say.

A voice calls from the window "Oh, offiiiiiicer! Hey, over here" The MacGillicuddy is waving a handkerchief out the window.

Dogberry looks up and is foolishly stunned by her beauty. "Oh, ah, hello miss, how can I be of service?"

"You can release that poor deluded fellow to me. He's my cousin. I'm afraid he's not, ah.... well. If you know what I mean." She gives a noxious wink and taps the side of her head.

You are affronted. "I say! Cuddy, you have no right to disparage...."

"Silence, you!" cries the smitten Dogberry. He drags you back to your doorstep and hands you over to the waiting Cuddy who coos improbably at Dogberry.

"Oh, thank you SO much Officer. We worry so about poor little Petey."

"Just doing my job, miss" Dogberry says, flushing.

She slams the door shut, puts her back to it and looks at you possessively.

"Now then, I've saved your bacon, you sit still and listen!"

The jig up, you

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