What Ho!

You bounce back off the ugly bloke and shoot back around the corner like the proverbial cue ball headed for one of those all too common scratches of yours at billiards (something is desperately wrong with that table at the club, you feel).

Speaking of ill-timed bounces, you end up nose to nose with the Dogberry in full sprint after you.

"'Ere now, you! Assaulting an officer, that's what that was!" he pauses a bit, his red face huffing and puffing from the sprint.

"Oh, um, no, that is," you say, pushing your mind into full thinking mode, "That is to say, I saw a nasty wasp on your helmet, and being an obliging fellow, I thought I would smash it for you, what. Then, of course, I had to chase the beastly thing around the corner for you. Can't very well just leave it sitting there, what ho, what ho!" You smile convincingly.