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Fate's Crossing

You decide to rest in your new found place of hiding. You crawl into the darkened corner of the hut and slowly you drift asleep.

"Drazer? Drazer? Where are you little brother? Father? Mother? Where am I?"

"My son I set you adrift this river for your own safty, for if they find you it is for sure death will come."

"Father?....No don't go, don't leave me."

The last image you see is of your father draping a gold pendant around your neck before he is brutaly slayed down by bandits who have burned down the city.

His last words were cut short as he told you to "....find the other half of the pendant which will bring you to....."
You awake the nightmare and travel once more back into the forest where you had been raised.

Since that last day, the river had brought you into the hands of a thieving bandit where you were raised and brought into the clan. Fiered by many and known to all as The Black Cloaks. Here you would be taught the art of killing the helpless and stealing from defensless.

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