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Behind the Shield: Bomb Squad

You run over to the phone at the police department and dial in to the Captain."Hello Captain?"

"I'm glad you called me. I talked to Smith today. he's already to join SWAT and be your partner, I think you two are going to be a great team." says the captain.

"Yes sir. He seems to be an officer with alot of experiance the team will need."

"I need you to come in tomorrow morning and be ready to begin training with bombs, so I want you to take the rest of the night off."
Your more than happy to hear the Captain giving you the night off. The next morning you report in for duty and the captain hands you a bomb technician handbook and then advises you that Smith will be in a couple of minutes after he finishes up meeting with the chief.

You make your way outside the captain's office and sit at a table in the SWAT Squad room. You open up the manual and two chapters catch your eye.