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“Considering what I just saw, let’s go visit your medical bay,” you tell her.

She gives you a curt nod and leads you up a small hill to the far side of the resort. There a smaller brown building is tucked away among a mess of palm trees and rocks. The drab outward appearance of the building is misleading though because when you enter you find a room filled with some of the most high-tech medical equipment you’ve ever seen. This puts the facilities on Derista to shame and think cynically to yourself ‘oh the things you can get for the right price’.

The only problem though you notice right away is that the facility is much too small to accommodate a resort like Ela’Derhn. You estimate there is likely 2,000 beings at the resort right now. This medical bay isn’t equipped to hold more than 40 of those individuals. Selena seems to know what you are thinking as she quickly ushers over to one of the doctors and grabs your attention.

“This is Dr. Apati”, she says. “He has been our chief medical officer since we first opened twenty five years ago.”

Dr. Apati shakes your hand and gives you a quick smile. He is a middle-aged balding human who doesn’t look like he’s gotten nearly the amount of sun you would expect for someone who has been on this planet that long.

Before you can say anything else, Selena continues “Our Ranger friend here just saw a little bit of a mess on the beach...”

“Another one?” the doctor asks. Selena nods.

“Another??” you ask.

The doctor laughs. “Oh no, no, no. That wasn’t the virus you heard about on Ba’Deena. This is the second case of food poisoning we’ve had after our foolish chef ordered a bad case of kroolfish from Kafala.”

You raise an eyebrow. “What?”

Selena sees your skepticism. After all, she was the one who just told you that incident looked similar to the virus.

“We did have a bad shipment of kroolfish come in last week,” Selena hastily explains. “A rep from Kafala’s agriculture oversight commission reached out to us to let us know to destroy it, but we didn’t receive the transmission until it had already made its way into some meals.”

“Oh,” you start. “Well, that is unfortunate. But Doctor, you don’t have any concern that there could be similarities to the virus?”

The doctor shrugs. “I’ll check out the patient but I don’t expect so. Ba’Deena was able to fully eradicate themselves, I read the entire commission. Anyways, feel free to stay for the inspection of the patient if you’d like Ranger.”

You nod and in a few minutes they bring in the man from earlier. He is being carted in on a hovercart, still unconscious. Selena grimaces. The man looks closer to dead than alive. The doctor props him on a table and then brings down a silver sphere from the ceiling. The sphere emits a sharp blue beam that immediately jolts the man to consciousness.

The doctor checks his handheld tablet and looks at him. “Mr...Ufu?”

The man nods. “What...what happened?”

“You had a bad bought of nausea. Tell me, do you recall your last meals you’ve enjoyed here at the Chef’s Palace?”

Mr. Ufu thinks. “Well, me and the wife enjoyed two hot fudge freezies last night by the beach. For dinner, I had roast bruul and grilled asparagus. Some mashed potatoes and fifi. Oh, and a bowl of kroolfish soup for an appetizer.”

The doctor grins and nods hearing this. Selena shoots you a look. The doctor finishes running some diagnostic tests and then dismisses him. The final conclusion is food poisoning and the doctor prescribes him some bed rest and deluxe advil.

After Mr. Ufu leaves, Dr. Apati turns back to you. “Well Ranger, anything else I can do for you?”