And All Things Will End

You come across a crossroads, with tunnels winding in many directions. Each of these pathways split into more directions further down. The rock is coarser here, the path not as well-maintained. You surmise that you must have walked past one of the main branches of the mine without realizing it.

Aela stumbles down a path, looks down it, then turns around and begins to walk down another. Then she turns and looks to you for guidance. As if you had any to offer.

You are about to question her as to what she could possibly expect from you when you hear rustling from the leftmost tunnel. Heavy footfalls slam against the jagged rock, calloused and as hard as bone.

Aela whips around to face the tunnel and holds the torch out toward it. A figure lurches into view.

Its skin is gnarled and patchy, with dead cells oozing off and creating dust in its path. It is entirely hairless. Callouses cover the entirety of the flesh, white and worn. There is no mouth, just a pale white expanse. The eyes have been replaced with bulbous red orbs that seem to be pulsating.

For a brief moment all is still. Then the beast moves toward the two of you with surprising speed with a high pitched squeal, its joints bending just enough to allow movement. It is stilted, and the crackling of tumorous skin wreaks havoc on your eardrums.
Aela screams.