And All Things Will End

You are a wayfarer, and you call whatever alleyway you rest your head in home. You were relaxing in a tavern that looked much like the others you had seen, nursing a warm drink and a headache, when a rotund man wearing an expensive silk robe approached you.

He identified himself as a prominent merchant, and proudly displayed his insignia. You did not recognize it, much to his chagrin. He stated that he had been expecting a large number of shipments from the small mining village of Neskos, and not a single one of them had arrived. Initially, he had assumed they had merely been waylaid by highwaymen, but soon weeks had passed and still no word has been sent. He had spoken to other merchants in the area, and found that they all had the same problem; not a one had received either the goods or a letter from Neskos in weeks. And then he arrived at your task; travel to the village of Neskos and discover what has happened to his shipments. He made it a special point to mention that he cared little for the fates of the villagers, and his primary concern would be the goods. A large sum of money was offered, and you accepted. It is not as though you had any other pressing matters to attend to, anyway.