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And All Things Will End

The first day of the journey was relatively uneventful; You prepared your supplies and met your two traveling companions. The first one was a lithe woman named Aela, whom you recognized from previous ventures. She had black hair the approximate shade of night during witching hour and eyes as piercing and sharp as a ritual dagger, moved quietly and spoke infrequently, possessed a vast knowledge of critical wounding points, and was on the whole an exceptional killer and thief. Despite this, there was an air of innocence around her, and she often expresses distress with scenes of extreme gore. You are uncertain if this is manufactured or genuine.

Your second companion is someone you haven't met before, and he identified himself as one under the employ of the merchant who hired you when asked his identity. When prodded, he gave his name as Hunter, and didn't elaborate further. He was a tall man with jagged features, and his eyes were filled with contempt. His face was almost permanently stoic, and when he spoke it was with grim determination and in a low growl. You estimated that it would take you a few days to notice if he was kidnapped and replaced by a sentient statue that grunted occasionally.

The trip was entirely uneventful. You all walked in near silence and at a quick pace. At this speed, you expected to reach Neskos by late the following day. At nightfall you stopped, set up camp, discussed who would take the role of watchman and at what hour, and fell into the cold embrace of sleep.

And that is where you are now.

You have 1 choice:

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