Gotham's Story

As the primary shareholder of Wayne Industries, you have rarely exercised any power with the company except reping the benefits of their financial success. So, when you requested a press conference to discuss your future as CEO, the media was in an uproar. It seemed that every single local news agency presented themselves today and they were fighting to get as close to you as possible. You roll up to the raised dais they provided for you and take a deep breath. This will take alot of strength out of you.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," you begin, before the crowd has completely quieted down. A hush falls like a blanket. "As you are well aware by now, I lost the use of my legs three years ago when I broke the eighth thoracic vertebra in my spine. As I have told the press countless times, I am a lousy skier and I do not intend to ski again anytime in the near future." There is an awkward chuckle that permeates the crowd. Why are you resorting to humor? Focus. Stay on track.
"I feel it necessary to mention that three years ago also marks the last sighting of the Batman in Gotham. He was thrown into the street by a criminal named Bane, but whisked away before any formal examination could be made. I am here today to tell you what happened to the Batman." A noticable shift in the audience indicated the press of microphone moving closer.
"The Batman is no longer operating in Gotham because he lost the use of his legs when Bane broke his eighth thoracic vertebra." Realization hits the crowd. "I am- was- the Batman. I am a vigilante, an outlaw and a criminal. I am turning myself in to the police and I will give myself over to the law."
You roll yourself from the dais and the madness begins.
Three hours later, you sit in the commissioner's office in the GCPD. You have hancuffs put on you, but you are not underguard. Most of the available officers are busy keeping the media out of the Police Department. Kathryn Yinsen stands in front of you flipping through a file. This is the third file she has looked at and she has not yet made eye contact with you. You open your mouth to speak.
"You made quite a show out there," Yinsen interrupts without looking up.
"I assure you Detective Yinsen, that was no show."
"Its Commissioner now, Mister Wayne, and I don't doubt our claims. I have a couple officers checking out your estate and interrogating your butler, but I know what they'll find. What I want to know is why you chose now to reveal yourself?"
You are quiet a moment before you answer. "I can no longer keep the secret. I can't continue to lie to this city while I fail to protect it."
She puts the files down. "Well, Bruce, you have a lot to answer for. Working outside the law, interfering with police investigations, hoarding valuable resources that this department could have been utilizing for years. The list goes on."
"I willingly accept any punishment that is given. I will go to prison for life if I have to."
"Are you kidding?" Yinsen scoffs. "All the prisons in this state are at least 50% populated with criminals that you helped put away. You would be killed inside of a week. No, I have a better punishment for you."
She slides a fold of fabric towards you. You open it to see a detective's badge inside.
"What is this?" you ask.
"I saw your work as the Batman and I saw the way Gordon looked at you. Gotham's crime has risen rapidly in the past three years and it is because you are not out there. You are one of the most skilled minds on the planet and no matter what these maniacs threw at you, you outsmarted them. The badge isn't official, an it wont be until the media frenzy dies down, but I've talked with the other officers and we want you on the force. The GCPD doesn't need the Batman any more. It needs the World's Greatest Detective."
You stare at her. First skeptically, then in denial, but finally in excitement.
The Batman is dead.
But Bruce Wayne will save Gotham.
End Of Story