Gotham's Story

You smile to yourself. Its a ridiculous idea. You chuckle. Something like this would never work. Finally you erupt into roaring laughter, because it actually would. Your childhood fear would become your enemies', and more importantly, you would have a symbol for your crusade.
You begin to work on your costume. It would need to be dark, to blend into the night. It will need kevlar protection so that the villians will think you are immune to bullets. You will need a cape for protection, but also to block out the light off the moon as you descend upon the unlawful. You compile a list of gear and gadgets that would need to be made and that you can only begin to imagine. It will take time. It will take money. But you have that and so much more.
When the crimelords send out their underlings, they will know that Gotham's Bat is watching. When a sociopath decides to spread carnage in the streets, he will know that a Dark Knight is waiting. When Gotham craves justice and the cries of the innocents can be heard in the night, Batman will be there.

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