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Coitus Machina

You remove your penis from her lover's plump ass and rise from behind her. You take three accelerated steps forward; your hand closing around her throat.

"You sent me off to die," you say in a growl that you'd used before with her during more intimate occasions. She'd always liked the growl before, now not so much. She claws at your hand, trying to pry free of your grip; but she is no match for your robotic strength. You are vaguely aware that her lover is screaming in terror, the plump woman backing away across the floor.

You look in her eyes. They are wide and desperate; her face is turning a deep shade of red. That's when Henry0057-C hits the panel at your elbow and kills your hand. Alice falls to the ground and you turn to the Henry bot just as he charges you; driving you backward with blinding speed into the wall, the drywall giving way at your back.

Henry0057-C has you pinned. He punches in at your face faster than the human eye can clearly track. You dodge your head to the side and his fist buries itself in the wall; plaster exploding in chunks and dust. His other fist is hammering in even as he pulls his first one free. You dodge again, his fist cracking the stud behind the drywall on the other side of your head.

You bring your head suddenly forward. Your thick metal forehead comes crashing into his face once, twice, thrice; all in rapid succession. He stumbled backward, his optics damaged and sparking; his nose crushed. You rush in after, driving him to the ground and landing atop him. You pound fist after fist into his face. He tries to dodge but the damage you did to his optics makes it difficult and each subsequent blow only makes it worse.

You are so focused on his face that you don't see his counter attack coming. A fist drives into your side, shaking up the motherboard beneath; a follow up blow comes in immediately after, landing just above the previous hit. You back up, getting to your feet.

You look around the room. Alice's lover is backed away in the farthest corner of the room that she can manage. She is naked and afraid, curled up into a ball and crying as she looks at you in terror. When your eyes fall on her she hides her face. You see Alice crawling naked across the floor, making her way to the couch. Henry0057-C is getting to his feet. Although you've damaged his optics, he has other means of locating you.

You look down at your body. There are some wires exposed beside the frame of a hard drive. A quick self-diagnosis reveals that you are 85% functional, but will get worse if you do not get yourself repaired.

You look at the door behind you, the same one you came in through. Perhaps it would be wise to leave this behind?