His Little Secret

"Hi, Scott" You smile at him, and expect he will smile back and leave. He does smile at you, but then he just stands there staring at you intently.

"Is there something you wanted?" You ask, starting to feel uncomfortable with his intense stare.

"I like you, ______. And Brody's a loser. You'd be much better off dating me. I wouldn't hide you away like he does"

The blood slowly drains from your face.How did he find out about you and Brody? "What? You...You think me and Brody are together? That's just crazy, Scott. He's captain of the basketball team and I'm just..." You allow your words to trail away, then you sigh heavily. "I'm just nobody special. Brody doesn't even know I exist"

Scott laughs then, loudly. An older lady passing by frowns at him and makes a shushing noise. "Lie all you want. I've got proof, ______"

You're getting anxious, but you strive to appear calm. "Look, I have no idea what you're talking about"

Scott half smiles, and he's still staring at you. In a way that makes you think of a predator stalking his prey. It's creepy, in a way. And you wonder why you never saw this side to him before. Probably because you were too wrapped up with life, with being with Brody.Scott slips his hand into a pocket on his jeans and takes out his cell.

"Think back to last Friday.Where were you at lunchtime?" Scott asks.

"I was just-"

Scott does not give you a chance to finish what you were saying. "Under the bleachers with Brody. Making out with him" He puts the phone down onto the table. "Take a look..."

A video starts playing. The screen is a little shaky, and the quality is not great but it is easy to see what is happening. Scott was not lying when he said he had proof. You quickly reach out but just when you have the phone in your grasp, Scott snatches it away. And with it, goes your chance of deleting the video. "Oh, ______. You really thought it would be that easy?"