His Little Secret

"You can't tell anyone!" You exclaim. "Please..."

"I don't care about him, but I wouldn't want to hurt you. So I'm not gonna tell anyone..." Scott shrugs lightly. You feel relieved, but it only lasts for a short time as he continues talking. "I'm not gonna tell anyone if you stop seeing him..." He rests his hand on yours, tightening his grip when you try to pull away. "You should be with me. Maybe you can't see it now, but I know we would be good together"

You are not sure what scares you the most, the thought of everyone finding out or giving in to Scott's demands. Either way, it seems like you will be losing Brody. You think if you say no to Scott, and everyone finds out, then Brody will be mad at you. And everything you had together with Brody will be destroyed. On the other hand, if you comply with Scott, at least you can save Brody's reputation...

You can see Brody coming around the side of an aisle and so can Scott. "I guess that's my cue to go. Just think about what I said, _____" He scowls at Brody before he leaves. Your eyes follow him until he disappears out of sight down another aisle. Brody sits down next to you, tossing his messenger bag onto the table. "What did that loser want with you?"

You don't reply.

Brody frowns at you. "Now you don't want to talk? Is this because I was late? I'm sorry, alright. I just lost track of the time..."" He tries to put an arm around you, but you move away. "What's wrong, babe?" You want to tell him the truth, but you know that would not be a good idea. You have to end your relationship.It will hurt him, and you will hate yourself for doing it but you know it has to be done.

"I don't want to do this anymore. It's over" You say quietly, forcing yourself to maintain a stoic expression. You just want to break down and cry, but you can't do that until later, when you are alone. "Don't talk to me, don't call or text me. Just ignore me. Pretend I never existed.That should be easy enough, since that's what you used to do" You stand up from your chair and start gathering up your books to put away into your backpack. Brody is just staring at you. He looks lost. Confused. Like he does not understand what is happening. And he certainly was not prepared for a shock like this. You know that, and you feel so terrible. You're hurting him, and hurting yourself in the process. You take a deep breath as you zip up your backpack, looking away from him. It's just too much. You have to go before you slip and reveal the truth. You turn to leave, but stop when you feel Brody's hand resting on your shoulder.

"That's not fair....You can't leave, not like this. Don't I get a say too?"
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