His Little Secret

You twist away from his hold and start to walk away, but soon it turns to running. Brody is calling after you to stop but you know if you stop you won't be able to keep up your deception. You love him, but you have to let him go, even though your heart is urging you to just stay. To explain what is really going on. You run all the way out of the library, when you bump into someone. You start to apologize until you realize who it is. Scott is standing there.

"Do you want a ride home?" He asks.

You really want to tell him to get lost, but you know you can't do that. You feel drops of rain coming down. When you look up, you see the sky is an ominous shade of grey. More rain comes down. "Or if you want to walk home in the rain, that's cool with me. You might get a cold though, and that would suck..." He holds out his hand. "So are you coming or not?"

You simply nod, not in the mood to talk as you take hold of his hand and silently follow him to his car. It's an old Corvette. After you get into the car, you look back as Scott pulls away from his parking spot and see Brody. He's looking around, searching for you. You watch him until the path of the car takes him away from your line of vision.
End Of Story