His Little Secret

You frown at Scott. A part of you does feel intimidated by him, but you won't give in so easily.

"No, of course not. It doesn't matter. Tell everyone, I don't care. Maybe it's time the truth came out. I'm sick of hiding everything, all the lies I have to tell..." You can't believe what you're saying. Inside you're feeling sick. What if he doesn't back down? Of course you don't really want everyone to find out. Not yet. Not until Brody is fine with it. Although sometimes you wonder if he will ever be ready for people to find out the two of you.

Scott suddenly leans closer and tries to kiss you. You turn your head away and his lips end up just brushing past your cheek. "That wasn't nice. Why don't we try that again?"

"No! No way...Just leave me alone" You say firmly.

"I see what you're doing, _____. You act like you don't care, but I know you do. .You're gonna break up with him, and date me, or I will tell everyone. Here's what I'm going to do, because I like you so much. I'll give you a few days to think about it first..."

It's not quite what you wanted to hear, but at least it's a little reprieve. You'll get time to think things through, and to try to find a way out of this mess. "Alright, thank you. Can you go now, I've got work to do..."

"Sure. Once I get a kiss from you"

You really don't want to kiss him, but you can see Brody in the distance.And you just want Scott to be gone.So when he leans over to kiss you again, you don't pull away even though you really want to. He kisses you, just a brief kiss, before he walks away. And even though it was just a brief kiss, you felt something. The problem was that what you felt was not disgust or indifference. You liked his kiss, and wonder how that is even possible when you're starting to hate him. Although perhaps a part of you likes the fact that he likes you. Even though it's in a twisted way. You just feel so confused...

When Brody finally arrives, he comes straight over and sits down. "Hi, babe. Sorry, I'm late but I got something that I think you're gonna like..." He passes you a Polaroid. In the photo you can see a close up of a tree. Probably taken at the local park. Brody's initials and your initials are carved into the bark of the tree, with a + linking the initials and a heart framing the initials. You can't help but to smile. It's one of the nicest things Brody has ever done for you. You carefully tuck the photo away into your notebook and then you embrace Brody. "Thank you so much. I do love it..."
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