Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


I suddenly find myself in a dreamlike state, unsure of where I am. I rub my eyes, and try to focus on what appears to be a human figure in front of me. My vision finally clears and I see a woman in a shiny form-fitting rubber suit in front of me.

"Welcome to Limbo," she says with an inviting smile. "Your presence here is not your choice, and your are free to go back and explore another path. However, you may stay as long as you like."

"Why am I here?" I ask in a confused tone.

"It appears that the path you have been treading has not been fully rendered. This place was constructed to prevent you from falling into the abyss of uncertainty below."

"And when will the rendering be completed?" I ask impatiently.

"The sentient being responsible for the construction of this concept structure, as of the moment, may be arguing with himself about the possible alternatives to present to visitors such as yourself, or he may be out visiting some other concept structures to broaden his database of structures, or he may have gone into temporary hibernation."

"So when will it be?"

"Rest assured that he does not let a micro-aeon pass without adding to the complexity and depth of this structure. Just visit us frequently, as you will not be charged additional mileage."

"What's a micro-aeon?" I scratch my head in slight confusion. "Could you just give me a time frame? Some target date perhaps?"

The woman kisses me on the lips. "Remember that you are in the realm of INFINITE-STORY... and infinite means what it means..."

I ponder my next move. Where should I go?