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Loose Ends

There are 20 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
184152 Take his instruction and go to the safe house? 94048
184153 Follow him, he never really answered your question-- besides how could he leave you alone out here!? 94048
184158 Take the gun and shoot him point blank in the face. 94050
184159 I'm too scared to move. 94050
184160 "SHIT! HOW CAN I BE OUT OF BULLETS NOW!?" Try firing again, in panic. 94051
184161 Close your eyes and wait, it'll all be over in a minute anyway. 94051
184162 Fight with your hands, legs, whatever-- I've come too far to die now! 94051
184168 "Wait a minute you never said I'd have to do something like this!" Run away. 94061
184169 Swallow your fear and trust the person who saved your life, you owe him this much. 94061
184170 Stand there-- shocked. 94061
184171 Shoot him. 94062
184172 Don't shoot him. 94062
184173 I don't trust him... but... maybe I should follow him. 94063
184174 No way. I'm not going ANYWHERE. 94063
184175 Continue questioning him. 94063
184479 Investigate the noise, someone might need help! 94217
184480 Forget it-- I'm done with monsters! 94217
184481 Run up the stairs- a place to hide. 94218
184482 Run into the kitchen- something to fight with. 94218
184483 Run out the back door- keep running. 94218