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The Uplink World

Loose Ends

There are 17 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
15923 Continue up the street 7732
15938 Make a break for the alley 7740
15939 Run up the street 7740
15940 Run down the street 7740
15954 Forward to street 7746
15968 East into the street 7751
15976 Search the alley 7754
15977 Climb the fire escape 7754
16418 Check out the alley 7965
16420 Enter the police station 7966
16423 "I'm gonna sabotage that MoonBuggy!" 7967
17950 Search the Alley for more clues? 8685
17951 Return to the Alley 8685
17952 Climb the fire escape 8685
35275 Ignore her and explore the room further 16767
132102 food machines 66574
132103 guns at the counter 66574