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Loose Ends

There are 17 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
132881 Keep smoking 66968
132882 You don't feel like stopping smoking. Actually, you feel more like blowing some of it on his face. Also, Don suits him way better 66968
132884 No thanks. Fuck Don and fuck the bosses. Refuse to take the job 66969
132888 . . . 66972
132889 . . . 66973
132899 . . . 66980
132904 Not your problem. Go and have a smoke outside in your balcony 66983
132906 On second thought: you don't want to get involved. Get back to your apartment 66984
132909 Raise your gun, aim it at him and say: "Get lost, pal" 66985
132910 Shoot him 66985
132911 Try to take him out unarmed 66985
132912 You won't get stabbed for some junkie girl you've never met. Get out of here 66986
132913 Try to take him out unarmed 66986
132914 Raise your gun and shoot him 66986
132915 Walk away. You don't need the trouble 66987
132916 Take him out unarmed 66987
132917 Raise your gun and shoot him 66987