Journey of the Nomad Soul

Loose Ends

There are 12 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
12667 Demand to see the chief. 6037
12669 Become angry, struggle, and shout. 6038
12671 Stay calm and show no sign of your feelings. 6039
12677 Do not struggle. 6043
12678 Try and fight them. 6043
12679 "Don't you know who I am Father?" 6044
12680 Appologize and walk out. 6044
12682 Get creeped out and run 6045
12685 How do I find the souls of my father and my wife? 6049
12689 How do I find the souls of my father and my wife? 6051
12691 Yes, cast the spell on me. 6054
12692 No, it's hopeless. 6054