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Journey of the Nomad Soul by smashlyte
"As you know Iblis, we are a race of people who cannot die. We are immortals. But you may not know what happens when we reach the point of death. true our bodies heal and it seems as if we were never healthier but the soul gets dislodged. It moves on. Not to an afterlife. It moves into the body of another. The body that the soul moves into may be far away in another place or time. Sometimes the soul has memories of it's previous bodies and lives. Other times there is no memory. The people in this village were attacked and killed. Although the bodies remain unscathed the souls moved on, each to a different place or time. Other souls moved into the bodies of the people of this village. They don't remember anything before being here. That is why no one recognizes you." You have many questions. What do you ask?
How do I find the souls of my father and my wife?
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