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Mirror To The Past

Loose Ends

There are 23 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
342299 Blue Belt 182335
342303 Spiked Necklace 182336
342305 Search for Gold Necklace 182336
342307 Look for a comb. 182337
342308 Not worry about hair style. 182337
342309 Pop the pimple 182338
342311 Break the cursed mirror 182338
342315 "My name is Chaz." Chad replied honestly. "What is your name?" 182339
342316 "My name is Hanz Ferdinand." He lied. "What is your name?" 182339
342318 Return to bedroom, and sort laundry. 182340
342333 Open The Letter 182343
342334 Pick up the photo. 182343
342338 Reflect on the past 182345
342341 Search the pile of laundry first, saving the dog tag for later 182347
342342 Search the room for clues, starting with the unopened envelope dresser 182347
342344 Take the picture of the woman out of the frame searching for clues 182347
342343 Search pile of laundry for more clues 182348
342345 Pick up unopened envelope, looking for more clues 182348
342352 continue 182353
342928 Go back home to find a watch. 182666
342929 Forget about a watch, wait however long it takes for the bus to arrive. 182666
342930 Walk to the store, even though it is an hour walk. 182666
342931 Go back home and look for a comb. 182666