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The Dragon's Final Rage

Loose Ends

There are 14 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
41070 Jon runs away screaming bloody murder. 19495
41071 Jon decides he could raise Jaques and teach him to be a dragon like the ones in legends. 19495
41160 Jon quietly waits for the dragon's reply. 19544
41161 Jon takes a piece of the stone to examine it. 19544
41169 Jon leaves the cave to go find another person to take care of the dragon. 19548
41170 Jon stays in the cave for the night, planning to take the dragon with him on his journey in the morning. 19548
41176 The two go in search of food. 19550
41177 The two decide to rest for a while and talk some more. 19550
41216 Jon changes his mind and agrees to join the Quest. 19565
41217 Jon still refuses, He is brave, but stubborn, and not too bright. 19565
41220 Jon calms down and sits, waiting to be trained by the dragon 19567
41221 Jon is still excited, and has trouble calming down. 19567
41222 Jon is honored, and now begins training for the quest. 19568
41223 Jon refuses to train, too excited to wait any longer. "Let's go!" he says. 19568