The minister shrugs and smiles. "Eh, maybe next time. Although something special is happening this service you might not want to miss."

"Yeah, I've got a date soon. I'm meeting a girl here."

"Don't sin!" He jokes. "Alright, well come tomorrow if you have to. I know church isn't the most romantic place to bring a woman."

Conversation hits an awkward wall so the minister walks around a bit, staring blankly at the Ocean. You have no choice but to follow this creep and find out what the special event at the New Church is. He had said "...you might not want to miss", you think. Well, you won't.

Eventually the minister leaves, his purple cape moving with him. You know the way to the church, and don't want to get caught, so you kill five or ten minutes without bothering to time it on your watch and head to the center of Metropolis where the church stands.

Just walking by the church upsets you a little. A thick waiting-like winding its way through the oak doors of the church. There are hundreds upon hundreds of free citizens wasting their time! If only the citizens joined the Guard and expanded upon Metropolis with such Zeal! Metropolis would surely flourish if these plebeians knew what was good for them.

You curse under your breath as you pass the crowd and swing your way to the back of the church and settle into a position you can comfortably listen and see what the events unfold inside the church. It takes less than a minute for the line in the front to find seating and for the service to start.

The dense stone walls of the church are effective in filtering out meaning from the dialog inside. You can't ascertain what is being said during the service (it isn't of much interest to you anyway). Your view sucks, too.

A blur of purple stands in front of the crowd and murmurs, like the wall is holding its hands over his mouth. He murmurs loudly and the crowd raises muffled voices which retain an excited note through the rock filter.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" A gruff voice asks rhetorically. Before you can turn around, you get plucked violently from your eavesdropping point. Your wrist twists when you hit the concrete behind you.

From the floor, you see two men in purple robes and a zombie bound by chains.
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