"Look, it's okay that I'm here. I'm a member of the Guard and even this area is not restricted", you blurt to them. This is the first time in a long time you have felt the fear of a zombie. Every jerk it makes captivates you - your stomach has been turned inside out. If you get too close to this thing, it's the end of your life.

"A Guardsmen, huh?", the man who peeled you from the wall utters, "Fuck, what the fuck are you here for, huh? You come here to be saved, but too ashamed? Here's what I'm going to do for you."

You start to stand up, but give up with a light kick from the minister. The other minister drags the zombie behind you. You feel like puking.

"You can either walk into the entrance to the church, or you can get eaten by this monster. You have two seconds", you hear him spit. You scramble to your feet and run to the back entrance of the church into a platform in the front of thousands of people.

Behind you, you hear the rattle of chains you know are attached to a zombie. You do your best to hide your quick, panicked breaths from the crowd.

"This is the demon that is our oppression!" The voice of another minister booms, "We are all sinners here! We are all sinners or we would be in a better place right now!" His tongue flickers with each important syllable, "Our judgment is past and WE SUF-FER ON EARTH!"

The crowd goes wild; standing and jumping, raising their arms and shouting as loudly as they can. The voice of the preacher still breaks the cacophony, "Who shall cast the first stone against our oppression? Who will break this blight to our peaceful existence?"

The zombie lurches behind you and the crowd in front of you lunges forward. There is chaos. You aren't sure what happened except that you got elbowed in the nose and trampled by the surging crowd. You know that the zombie above you is being torn apart.

You keep getting kicked and have your face stepped on. The weight of the people scrambling to get to the zombie prevents you from lifting yourself from the ground.

At some point in the chaos, you pass out, bruised and bleeding. You are torn apart like the zombie next to you.
End Of Story