The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

Trying hard to understand the map of Branblod, you make your way up windings stairs and down twisting halls towards your room. After exploring the entire fortress, you eventually find a door with a piece of paper nailed upon it. You move up closer and read:

"Aaron Apple-something and Ricky Weasely, please report to the Headmaster's Office A.S.A.P for your disciplinary whipping."

"They spelled my name wrong..." you whine and push open the door to your room.

A cold splash of water is dumped on your head as you enter, and a metal pail bounces off your skull.

An uproar of giggling fills the room as you stand soaked to the bone, staring blankly at a boy bouncing up and down on a bed, clapping his hands in glee. The boy looks about your age, though much taller. He is extremely thin, a large collection of red freckles dot his skin, and a perfectly combed mass of red hair sits upon his head.

"FOOLED YA!" the boy sniggers.
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