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Realizing that you cannot outrun a dog, you stand your ground dodging the canines attacks each time thanks to your uncanny forsight. Eventually, after he has tried to get to you countless times, the dog lays down on the ground completely exhausted.

You laugh a bit and wait for it to get back up, but it just stares at you with a look of defeat in his eyes that you can't help but identify with.

"There, there," you tell the dog, "You certainly put forth a good effort. I'm sure you'll catch the next trespasser." You pat the dog on the head, avoiding it's slowly snapping jaws, and move along to continue your journey home.

You come home to an empty house, as has always been the case, and you sort of veg out on the couch thinking about the extent of your forsight. You wonder why it doesn't seem to apply to everything, but realise that if it did you would likely go insane. Still doesn't explain why though.

It only seems to happen when there is some sort of danger. You wonder briefly if this is what Spider Man feels.

Then again, it might not be happening at all. You might just have really good instincts, right? Exceptional, suddenly appearing instincts.

A knock sounds at the door. You stand up and walk over to it twisting on the knob and pulling it open. You see Robert before you and see a shadow of his fist flying in at you, your forsight.

Robert looks angry. "What's up, asshole?" He pulls his arm back.
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