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You slam the door shut even as his fist comes forward. The punch that was intended for your face thumps into the door and you hear the sound of a bone breaking followed by a shocked howl of pain. You open the door slowly to see Robert sitting on your porch steps holding his arm at an awkward angle. He is crying a little.

You laugh a bit at his tears and he stands up to face you, his face contorted with rage. "You son of a bitch!" he says, his eyes red with tears.

"Robert, are you crying?" You ask coldly.

"Fuck you, Denny. You're fucking dead!"

"You might want to go to the hospital or something," you suggest. "See you at school, Robert."

He stares at you in disbelief as you close the door and go back to your living room.

That felt incredible, you marvel as you sit on your couch and recount the success of your counter attack. Hopefully Robert has learned a lesson from this.

The next day at school Robert does not attend. Kids whisper a bit and look at you, but no one openly mocks you. Even Roberts friends seem to regard you with some distance.

During History class, a girl that sits beside you leans over to say something. She has never spoken to you before and you are a little astonished when she begins speaking. "I heard you broke Robert Malone's arm."

"Uh yeah, I think so," you tell her.

"You better be careful then," she says. "I hear his friends are planning some sort of revenge."

Great, you think. Now you have more to worry about. Before it was only Robert that was giving you problems, but now you have his loyal gang of assholes to deal with.

The rest of the day passes by slowly, each tick of the clock sending a jolt through your nervous system.

When Art class comes, one of Roberts friends stares coldly at you for the entire period. He makes threatening gestures and you are sure that he is going to jump you any second.

At long last the school bell rings and the class empties out. Aside from the teacher, you are the last person in the room. You are certain that Robert's friends are waiting for you outside.

The art room has a back door, you remember with a bit of relief. Perhaps you can just exit through the back door and go home unscathed. But isn't that just delaying the inevitable? Maybe it would be best to just get it over with.
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