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Knowing exactly where his fist is going is useful, you decide as you dodge his punch and kick your foot out, catching him between the legs with the tip of your shoe.

He crumples up, hands going to the wounded area, and falls to the ground just like in the movies. All in all, this is rather entertaining for you. You watch him writhe around on the ground with some grim satisfaction for a while before closing the door and back into the house.

The next day you wake up well rested and briefly worry about Robert possibly attempting to extract some revenge when you get to school before you realize that it was all a dream. How silly of you to truly believe that you suddenly gained special powers.

You laugh at yourself in the shower for seriously thinking that anything good like that could happen to you. Man, sometimes you really are an idiot.

After showering, dressing, and eating, you leave for school and go through your schedulethe same as any other day. At lunch Robert sits down next to you.

"That was one hell of a move," he says.

You're not sure what he's talking about, but you don't dare ask. Surviving bully attacks is dependent on how you handle conversations with them. Yes and no answers are best.

"After school, in the baseball field, me and you." He says before getting up from the table and walking off.

You swallow hard and wonder what the hell that was all about. You are nervous about it for the rest of the day.

In your next class one of the grils who sits next to you leans over and says "It was nice knowing you, Denny."

You're not really sure what to say so you say; "Thanks," and smle meekly. You briefly wonder how she can say 'nice knowing you,' when she never knew you. In fact, she's never even shown the slightest interest in getting to know you. But then you figure it's probably just one of those things people say but don't mean, like 'have a good day' and 'get well soon'.

"I can't believe you kicked Bobby in the balls," she says, laughing a little. "You had to know he was going to want a fight."

"What?" You ask. Did she really just say that?

"I said: You had to know he was going to want a fight," she says.

"No, the other part."

She looks puzzled. "What? That you kicked him in the nuts?"

"Yeah," you say. So you really did it. It wasn't just some crazy dream. You really kicked that asshole in his miniscule testicles.

...And you really have powers. Holy shit. You really have powers.

"Well," she says. "I can't believe you did it. That was a really stupid thing to do."

You don't really hear much of what the teacher says after that for the rest of the class. You just sort of revel in your newfound powers. There is also more than a litte pride in finally giving Malone a bit of what he deserves.

You begin fantasizing about giving Robert more of what he deserves out on the baseball field after school. With your forsight you should be able to avoid his attacks and just wail on him.

But the more you think abot it, the less certain you are that victory will be yours. Sure you can avoid his attacks, but you are still weak. Your punches will have hardly any impact on him, if any at all. You aren't any stronger, just more aware. To defeat Robert Malone, you must be able to hurt him.

In art class Robert doesn't say a thing to you. He just stares at you and flexes his muscles in an attempt to intimedate you. It's woking, you admit to yourself.

At long last the bell rings, art class and school are over for the day. You sling your bookbag over your shoulder and head out into the hall and then the parking lot. You stop after walking for a few seconds when you realize that you have no idea where you are going.

At home you have comfort, peace, and homework. You don't have to get hurt. But if you do that, you will be labeled a coward. Then again, being a living coward isn't such a bad thing. You've been one for long enough to have grown comfortable in the role after all.

Your other option is the baseball field. That is where you have the opportunity to likely be pulverised into a bloody mess by one of the biggest guys in your school. But at least you won't be a coward, right?

Really though, when you think about it, what's so bad about being a coward?
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