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The knights Lady

Guy wanted to tell Alinore that it was not her fault. He wanted to tell her that as an honorable man HE should have controlled himself. He wanted to tell her that once challenged a Chivalrous knight could not back down short of death. But it was too late, She had run out of the room to chase her brother, and he was left alone with a pain in his head that he didn't notice for the pain in his heart.

Alinore went after Robert and found him in the courtyard by the well. "Robert" she pleaded, "You must understand, I love him!" Alinore didn't know until the words came out of her mouth that she was in love with Sir Guy. She had spent so much time with him the last few days, she didn't see it coming. But now she knew. What she felt for wil was as small as the well bucket compared to the ocean she felt for Guy.

Robert kicked at an imaginary rock and took his sister by the shoulders. "By Christ Alinore" He shouted at her "You don't even know what Love is!" Alinore was frightened. She had never seen Robert so angry. "Your silly girlish romances have caused this family enough trouble." He pushed her away, she lost her balance and fell to the paving stones. "First I lose my best Squire, and now I have challenged a close friend to a duel." He stood over her and looked her square in the eye when he said "Now it's going to be him or me. On my Honor the house Draken will NOT be disgraced."

Robert turned and left Alinore lying on the paving stones. She was so stunned she sat there until one of the grooms came to help her up. As soon as she was on her feet, the tears welled up in her eyes. How could she have been so selfish? How could she have done this to her family. How could she face her parents to tell them what has happened? She was such a fool.
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