Ground Zero

As much as you probably regret getting yourself into this mess by EVER returning to the City, you are a leader now and you're determined to continue to act as such.

Sometimes you wonder what would've happened had you bought that bomb shelter…

You stay and demand to be informed on the current situation so you can position the defenses better. You want double security on the borders. You also order that all non-combatants should stay in their homes.

When Lisa arrives she has Adonis with her, as well as her own retinue of guards. After telling a couple of your men to take Adonis to your quarters and look after him, you and Lisa begin to talk in your half ruined warehouse.

"We've been getting attack from all sides here you know." You say.
"So have we, the ex-members that broke off from my Horde have been leading many of these attacks at least as far as the sewers are concerned."
"Yeah well we got bigger problems, have you noticed some of the firepower a few of these Glow Children are packing?"
"Yes, the same type that you used against us five years ago. Some of my people are starting to think that this is some complex ZL plot to wipe us out again, I've had to alleviate those concerns though I can't say it didn't cross my mind."
"Hey, I nearly got wasted by that colossus lying on the floor over there! And as you said your own ex-disgruntled employees are leading a lot of the attacks so don't think the same thoughts of treachery haven't gone through our mind up here as well!"
"Funny that you should think that about us since we don't have the history of betraying our allies…"

An argument about accusations breaks out until gunfire from your quarters is heard.

"Adonis!" Lisa says stopping her ranting at you.
"Oh fuck!" you say and run to the ladder with everyone else not far behind.

When you get to your quarters, you see a dead mutant cultist lying on the floor with multiple gunshot wounds, one of your men lies dead with multiple stab wounds and happily Adonis is still alive with one of your guards breathing hard. Adonis immediately runs to Lisa when he sees her.

"Whew! That motherfucker did NOT want to die!" he says.

After thanking the soldier profusely, you make a check wondering how the fuck the assassin got in, the only one who ever got through the door before was Lisa and that was because she managed to subdue your guards and had prior knowledge of the place.

And that's when you see a hole in the wall in one of the bedrooms, that hole now leads to the sewers. Knowing damn well that Lisa would make it known that harm should NEVER come to Adonis, any theories that the Shadow Horde is somehow behind things are out of your mind. Lisa's speculations for you are squashed as well.

"See, the enemy is trying to sew the seeds of mistrust. The old divide and conquer, well to hell with that, they fucked up big time with this clumsy assassination attempt. That's it we're mobilizing every fucking thing we got, we're pooling our resources and…"

You get another report while in the middle of your speech.

"SIR! THEY'RE ATTACKING DOWNTOWN!" a soldier shouts from the upstairs.

"Fuck!" you exclaim and rush to the scene.

When you arrive cultists are throwing home made bombs all over the damn place, some of them are purposely blowing themselves up.

"Aim for the goddamn explosives on their chests before they get close!" you order, while you engage in your own fighting from afar with your rifle. They're coming like swarms of lemmings though and the body count is growing, monstrosities like the one that tried to kill you earlier are proving cover fire for the gibbering suicide cultists.

You need to get into a better position to do the maximum amount of damage, so you look for higher ground while Lisa directs from the street level. You enter one of the buildings and begin running up the stairs to get to the roof. In the process of the excitement, you notice something.

"Damn, I used to work in this building."

After this brief thought of the past you make it to the roof, where upon you're kicked in the face as soon as you exit the door, dropping your rifle.

"Good! I'm glad you avoided the assassins, I was hoping to finish you off myself."

As you stand up, you see a nasty looking creature, with a hideous appearance.

"You're going to pay for what you did to me, YOU turned me into this! With your lies and your assault! I was NORMAL until YOU came and ripped me from my protective sanctuary!"

You immediately know who this is.

"Silence! I'm the High Priest! Owen DIED when you threw me into the blasted City! Do you know how much pain and sickness I suffered? How many years I wandered the streets of Zeropolis little more than an intelligent Feral? You realize how long it took me to get over the madness?"
"Well from where I'm standing I don't think you're quite over it."
"Oh you're wrong, quite wrong, when the Savior came, she brought clarity to us all. She will bring true order to this City, not the Horde and not the Legion, but the Children! For the Children ARE the future!"
"Yeah…and you say you got over the madness?"
"It doesn't matter what you think! What matters is you're going to pay for ALL your lies and treachery tonight! To me AND the Savior! YAAAAGH!"

Owen attacks you, which you narrowly dodge and trip him to the ground, he rolls out of the way and jumps back up.

"Owen, you really want to continue this exercise in futility?"

Owen attacks you again at which point you punch him in the face followed by a kick to his nuts. While he crumples to the ground you retrieve your rifle.

"Alright Owen, you know what happened last time…and trust me I WILL be shooting if you attack again, now what are the defenses of the Savior at the…"

Owen pathetically tries to grab the rifle from you, at which point you blast him in the head splattering his brains and skull all over the roof.


You grab Owen's corpse and throw it on to the street battle below. His body lands in a bloody broken heap before some of the Glow Children. Upon seeing one of their top leaders dead, this is a great blow to their morale.

"YEAH, THAT'S ONE OF YOUR LEADERS DOWN, NOW GO TELL THE FUCKIN' SAVIOR SHE'S NEXT!" you shout and begin sniping the ones in retreat.

After attempting to mop up the stragglers, the general report is that the Glow Children greatly expended a lot of their manpower in this last attack. It's odd; it's almost as if this "Savior" doesn't really care about controlling the city at all, just destruction.

Lisa suggests an attack be made immediately before they can put up a suitable defense, she's still upset about Adonis nearly being killed, but you'd like to at least regroup and mount an organized attack.

You have 2 choices:

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