Ground Zero

Lisa's emotions might be running high, but it does make some sense to attack now. You order a full push to the hospital and not to stop until everyone of the Glow Children are dead along with their Savior.

The battle to the hospital lasts a couple days mainly because your forces aren't in a cohesive attack group, you're getting reinforcements, but it would've been more efficient regroup first and come at the GC with some sort of battle plan rather than relentlessly throwing troops into the fray until you break through.

By the time you get to the hospital, that's where you meet the last stand of the Glow Children, and it's also where their battle elite are. The last cybernetically enhanced mutants come out in force and begin mowing down the Alliance troops at an alarming rate, you have order a retreat.

During this retreat, one of those giant battle monsters that tried to assassinate you a few days ago targets its weapons on you and mortally wounds you. You lie on the ground and lift your head up long enough to see both of your legs have been blown off and your guts are hanging out. The creature now stomps in your direction ready to finish you off.

You sure hope Lisa can finish this war by herself, because it's over for you.
End Of Story