Ground Zero

You have no desire to resist her advances and you totally give in to consummate this new alliance in a very special way…

Afterwards you and Lisa get to know one another a little better. It's funny that she finally returned to the GZS research outpost after all these years. At the time you were kicking Owen's ass to take refuge here, she was attacked and nearly killed by Ferals and had to hide for several days struggling to survive. She mentions how she nearly died, how she got sick, how she came to accept the changes in her body, and how she managed to unite the sewer dwelling mutants.

You and Lisa talk about how you do both feel a sense of superiority to humanity, though it would seem Lisa has felt this way for a lot longer than you have and has stronger feelings about it, whereas you never really thought about it until you were actually killing Combine members. Indeed she does have a stronger feeling of only the strong should survive mindset, though that might be due to the harder path she had when trying to survive during those first few years.

You and Lisa begin to make plans for unifying Zeropolis. It isn't widely accepted at first, as there are hard feelings on both sides. Your side is willing to stop the fighting, but their a little leery of an alliance. However, your standing is good so you don't suffer outright rebellion, just a lot of grumbling. Lisa's side is even less receptive; you honestly don't know how she manages to keep those big hideous freaks in line even if she does have mutant pheromones and a strong force of will. As it turns out, the Shadow Horde for the first time splits and bickers among itself. Lisa manages to keep control of most of it, but not without an underground civil war.

After all the smoke clears, the Shadow Horde and the Zeropolis Guard (Which you've renamed the Zeropolis Legion) maintain a shaky alliance.

Five years pass…

Ten years have passed since you decided that going to the City would be a great place to find supplies…

Unification of Zeropolis has been going as planned, but its still slow going. Most of the Ferals still alive have managed to overcome their relentless need for violence and food, but that doesn't mean they are any nicer. The Shadow Horde has more success with those types as great display of strength, intimidation and fear work well. On your end you've managed to employ more peaceful means of incorporating the less hostile groups of mutants, such as restoring power to their areas and rebuilding. (The messenger rat system for long range communication even works well now)

You and Lisa could be considered "together" but it's a distant relationship. She runs her part, you run your part and every now and then you get together. She has some sort of feelings for you, but she's very much in her own world sometimes. Though the same could be said for you, but you do have feelings for her as well.

Lisa has also had your child. (Predictably 9 months after your "agreement" to the alliance.) A son, though you don't get to see him too much, mainly because Lisa wants him to be closer to her. In fact you get the impression one of the reasons she had sex with you was in order to have a fairly "normal" looking child. She called him Adonis. It would seem that for all her talk on mutant supremacy, she still holds the "human" standard of beauty in high regard, (though to be honest so do you!) She's already training him to be self-sufficient with minor "tests" she sets up in the sewers; however despite this rather harsh training Lisa is very protective of Adonis.

The main faction standing in the way is one that has somehow gained momentum relatively recently over the last few years. A cult of mutants called the Glow Children, have taken over a great portion of Zeropolis through their weird faith. They follow a leader calling themselves the Savior. In your experience, groups with any type of religious faith behind them are never willing to negotiate and they aren't an exception. They are utterly fanatical and devoted to their cause. They also engage in attacks from the sewers as well, causing you to believe that ex-Shadow Horde members fill their ranks. They've made their headquarters (or Cathedral as it were) at the old hospital.

You and Lisa are supposed to meet tonight with the rest of your respective cabinet tonight to determine how to best approach the Glow Children problem. You're walking out of your headquarters with your guards when from out of the street a very very LARGE creature appears with the biggest fucking gun you've ever seen. Its resemblance to humanity is superficial even by Shadow Horde standards. You haven't seen ANYTHING like this before.

"Goddamn it Lisa what the fuck are your people doing!? You're supposed to be defending that area!" you yell to yourself ducking back inside your headquarters and lying flat. The creature's weapon rips through the door and the walls, killing many of your men. You hear gun fire outside followed by screams.

You know damn well it's probably going to laugh at normal weapons so you run to grab those old CE weapons you haven't used since the Alliance. Time to use those plasma guns again.

The creature breaks through the remaining bit of wall ignoring the bullets flying into its back, a Shadow Horde member presumably coming from the sewers jumps on it and stabs it in the head, but the giant aberration only grabs him and breaks his neck with a squeeze of his own enormous hand and throws the lifeless body through the nearby wall. You've never seen a Shadow Horde member treated like such a mere annoyance, and for once in a long time you really are scared.

You grab a plasma gun while the creature is still preoccupied with your guards doing their best to bring it down and that's when you fire a hot bolt of plasma into its massive body, again, again, and again, until the damn weapon overheats and burns your hands, causing you drop it. Fortunately you've melted enough of its internal anatomy to cause it to finally collapse and die.

"Alright what the fuck IS that thing?!" you shout wincing from the pain in your hands.
"It's a fucking big ass freak, that's what it is." One your men says. "You don't think it's a Horde member do you? You think they…"
"No, no, shit I hope not. Besides I just saw it kill a Horde member with its bare hands like it was nothing, never seen that before. Might've been an Ex-horde member at one time though."

Another one of your soldiers comes in through the hole in the wall and has more news for you.

"Just got word from one of the horde, they got a similar attack on their Queen. Don't worry though, she's alive and so is your son. She said she'll be arriving soon."

That relieves you on several levels; you were sort of worried about them even if you all aren't exactly a proper family unit. You and some of the others inspect the body of the fallen creature. Damn thing is huge, but what disturbs you more is the fact you're seeing cybernetic implants…not to mention its weapon is pretty high tech stuff, similar to the same ones you received from the Cybernetic Evolution…

"Oh shit, we got cyborg mutants." You say.
"What? But how? I mean…last we heard The Combine won that war. Just barely, but they won." One of your soldiers replies.
"Yeah, well it looks like there were survivors and they probably want revenge on us and what better way of doing that then by helping our enemies? (Sigh) the only good thing is that they can't possibly be able to have access to a lot of this high tech stuff anymore; they don't even have the means of manufacturing it since we own the factories. They're probably just using scraps and pieces they managed to take with them after the beat down they suffered from the hands of the Combine."

Though those "scraps and pieces" can still do a lot of damage, and that's not even counting the regular fanatical cultists. You'll really have to get this attack plan with Lisa organized quickly. Suddenly you hear MORE sounds of battle! The Glow Children have sent more of their suicidal attackers to wreak havoc in your territory, most likely attempting to get to you though. Your guards suggest you descend down into you private quarters for protection, until Lisa arrives.
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