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Ground Zero

You have no real idea where to go so you head to the City.

You might live in the boonies, but you aren't an outdoorsman. You aren't some survivalist that's been training yourself for this "moment" so it's not like you can just start living off the land, and unless the City was completely flattened by a nuclear bomb, you'll probably still find something there.

As for the radiation factor, you're probably receiving a lethal dose of radiation right now. It's not like you were so far away from blasts that you wouldn't be receiving it, though you try to think back to your Grandfather who was in the army and had to witness some nuclear test blasts back in the old days. He was certainly in the danger zone, and lived a fairly long time. One of the few though.

Hopefully you've inherited that level of resistance, or at least that level of luck.

But unless you find food and water supplies you aren't going to be living long enough to die of the radiation.

You continue your drive to the city, watching the surroundings getting progressively worse looking, You then see the shattered "skeletal" remains of skyscrapers looming in the distance. The city got hit, but apparently by something "small" and probably exploded high in the air. Of course that doesn't make you feel any better. You make a mental note of all the "useful" locations you used to do your shopping. You goal is to go in and grab what you can to sustain you for a long time and leave for some place else.

When you finally reach the city, it feels a little creepy. Everything seems so empty and dead. You have the windows up, but it's not like you wouldn't be able to hear noises if there were any, which there aren't. Just the silent remains of destroyed buildings and vehicle husks. You wonder if any people survived, though you're guessing if they did they won't be in great condition. In fact it's been a week since the attack; survivors might've died by now without medical attention.

Your first stop is the supermarket. You don't have high hopes of finding anything though. You know looting was going on in the city even before the bombs hit, still this IS the reason why you came here, so you enter through one of the big broken floor windows. No lighting inside of course, but the sunlight from outside is providing enough, plus you have your flashlight if you need it. The entire place has an unpleasant odor, but you're guessing it might be rotten food from the meat section and diary section, assuming those sections even have any of those items left.

Oddly you do find that the aisles aren't completely empty. Most of the canned food gone, but there's still a ton of cereal and nothing says you have to eat it with milk! Beef Jerky survives anything as well. You can't believe people didn't take that stuff. There are some soft drinks left in the now non-working freezers. Probably flat and warm as fuck, but again you hardly care at this point. You get yourself a hand basket and start loading up on what you can.

When you get back to your van you finally hear something besides the crunch of debris underneath your own feet and the blowing wind. Its footstepsĀ…several of them.

You then see something you only thought existed in horror movies. These must be the bomb victims you though were dead by now, but it seems they're not dead, or at least you're guessing they're not. A group of them staggers towards youMany of them have a half-crazed appearance and severe radiation burns. Apparently their minds have damaged along with their bodies. Some of them are armed with blunt instruments.

As they approach you, they just looking at you menacingly and start growling, until one of them points at you and shouts in raspy voice.

"Shit! Die motherfuckers!" you shout back, shooting and quickly getting in your van as they hasten their pace towards you.

You manage to drive off, but not before they manage to smash your windshield and both of your side windows. You think you killed a few of them, you saw a few go down when you shot at them, and you know you ran that one over. Of course it's not like you hung around to see if they got back up, but you're pretty sure now they aren't reanimated corpses. Of course that doesn't make this situation any less fucked up or them any less dangerous, since they seemed intent on eating you. You need to get out of the City, but now what appeared previously empty, now appears to be more inhabited then you thought as more of theseĀ…things come out of woodwork.

You haven't gotten far, when your van is bombarded by bricks and even fired upon! Some of those bullets hit the wheels causing you to skid out of control. You attempt to regain control of the van, but fail and smash into nearby building. Attempts to restart it also fail, though you don't have that much time anyway as some of these freaks are fast approaching on your position.

You get out of the van with your supply bag and start running. You don't even know where you are right now; you were in such a hurry to get the hell out that you didn't realize you took the wrong streets, now you're in unfamiliar territory and the fact that all the landmarks have been blown to shit doesn't help. Though this looks like some sort of industrial district. You duck into one of the warehouses hoping to lose the freaks.

The place has destroyed sections of the roof. Pallets and empty boxes of varying sizes lie all over the place. You look for someplace more secure to hide just in case, but all you can find that looks suitable is what looks to be a manager's office.

When you enter, the office is also in disarray. You decide to wait here awhile to consider what to do next, during which time you inspect the various papers on the ground. You also remove the silly "protection wear", you're getting hot and it's not going to protect you from anything anyway.

After scanning through many of the documents, most have the insignia of "GZS" on them or Ground Zero Survival, that corporation that was trying to sell people bomb shelters before the war. (One you still wish you bought right now) You didn't even know they had any holdings in the City. Looks like this place shipped a lot of equipment to said Shelters during their building process. No map locations though unfortunately, just a bunch of random shelter numbers. You end up kicking the desk in frustration only to succeed in hurting your foot, and making another discovery.

When your foot moved the desk, you notice it was hiding a trapdoor! Though you wonder what the hell one is doing here. This seems a little weird, but then again the whole situation is weird, so you open it up and climb down.

The first thing you notice is what a long climb it is, the second thing you notice is there's lighting when you reach the bottom, dim, but lighting. The corridor leads to a heavy duty door not to far ahead, so you head that way, but when you go to open the door you find it locked. Before you can shoot the lock you hear a voice on the other side.

"Lisa is that you?" the voice says.
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