Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Ground Zero

"Uh, no." you reply
"Who the fuck are you?"
"I'm a survivor like you, I came to the City to get supplies, but I got attacked by some sort of mutant things or something, and I got temporarily trapped here."
"Ha ha! You are one stupid motherfucker then! Why the hell would you come BACK to a bombed out city for ANY reason?" the voice mocks.
"Well why the hell are you here?"
"What kind of business?"
"That's for me to know and for you not to know. Now get the fuck outta here, you don't belong here. This is GZS property an' you obviously aren't an employee in any shape or form."
"Can't you let me in?"
"Fuck you! There's a bunch of cannibalistic mutants up there!"
"Shoulda though about that before your stupid ass came to the city."
"Oh fuck this, I'll just blow the handle off the door and..."
"You blow the handle off and I'll blow your head off as soon as you enter through door, though I doubt you will since it's also barricaded and deadbolted from the inside. You ain't getting in here unless you're packing some serious firepower. Better just go away and try to get out of the City before it gets dark."

You shout a few more things at the voice behind the door, but it doesn't reply back, you think about shooting at the door, but you'll probably only be wasting bullets that you'll undoubtly need.

Having no other options you head back to the surface where after making a quick check to see if the coast is clear which it is so you continue your attempt at escape from the city as night begins to fall.

Unfortunately you don't get far before the roving gangs of mutants stumble upon you again; these ones seem even more vicious and organized though. After a short game of shoot and run, eventually they manage to surround and trap you. Sensing that your death is near, you shoot yourself in the head to save yourself the pain of being eaten alive.

The mutants seem disappointed, but they eat you anyway.
End Of Story