Ground Zero

You decide that you got it made, why fuck with it? The rest of those at the Compound have to go on missions to fight bandits and go exploring possible hostile locations. You don't need to do any of that. You're in a nice safe isolated location where nobody ever comes except to drop off supplies every now and then. Even the fact cyborgs are trapped underneath you doesn't bother you anymore. You continue your routine.

Four more years passÂ…

It's been five years and you and Marina are still together, but for some reason, you don't seem as close anymore. It seems like she's been getting distant in the past few years.

You still get the harassing radio rant from Alex every now and then just to let you know he's still alive along with his robots and cyborgs. You're guessing he's been surviving on rats and roaches down there.

It's been five years since you first joined the Compound and there's been a lot more changes there at least that's what you've been hearing from the people transferred to Pandora.

You get less and less reports from the Compound itself other than its undergone a name change and due to its inclusion of a few towns now, its called the Combine and the Compound itself is called Fort Justice. You know about how the Colonel has gotten sick and seems to be getting worse as more time passes and how the population rate is growing, but it's slow. The major theory is the elevated levels of background radiation are probably affecting fertility. (You wonder about yourself and Marina since she hasn't once gotten pregnant in the five years you've been together) There have been more people sent here, mainly people that aren't "cutting it" anymore at the Compound. In fact you've been hearing some interesting stories. One man in particular called Roger has spoken to you quite frankly about what's been going on at the Compound some of it a bit alarming.

"The fuckin' Colonel? When he started getting sick that sonofabitch Harry started taking over more responsibility. Started doing shit HIS way, which was a lot more reactionary. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not some faggot peacenik, I'm all about creating a new strong society, like how America SHOULD'VE been, but fuck man. I'm not gonna kill children for no goddamn reason!"
"What?! When did this happen?"
"About a year ago! I was on a mission to this small town called Lost Springs and Harry was with us personally. They had a fresh underground supply of water, so we really wanted to gather them into the fold. Talks didn't go so well though, so Harry went nuts and shot the fucking mayor of the town! Then he proceeded to tell us to start killing all the kids if they didn't submit to us."
"Well I refused to do it, and some of the others didn't either. A few did though, and after a couple of kids were killed. The rest of the townsfolk pretty much fell in line. Harry left the ones who were willing to kill at his command to occupy the place. He made up a damn story to the Colonel about how he HAD to do it and left out the shooting kids though. And the Colonel gets sicker and sicker, and Harry gets freer reign. Shit, if the Colonel wasn't still alive I think Harry wouldn't even be sending some people here, he'd probably be sending them all to the city."
"Wait, the city? There's missions to the city? I thought those were stopped after the first few times that was attempted."
"Not anymore! Harry's been sending a few people on his shit list to missions on the city. Harry says that there are still important resources to be gathered from there. Its bullshit, ain't nothin' there except fuckin' mutants and radioactivity! I probably would've got sent there, but I lost my arm in an ambush, and the Colonel said I needed to be taken off of active duty and sent here. There's a real mean motherfucker loyal to Harry called Damon, who goes on the city missions to ensure nobody tries to go AWOL. He's fucking nuts, he loves going into the city; I think he actually gets a fucking orgasm."
"Where the hell is Harry getting all these new people, if he's treating the towns so badly?"
"I told you he's been press ganging some of them and most are so beaten by that point that they just go along with it, but he's also been subduing some of the raider scum! That
Damon is one of those fuckers. Instead of killing them all like we should be doing, he's been recruiting them into the Combine! These degenerates are usually the ones he uses for occupation since most of them don't have any qualms about killing anything that moves and they're used to terrorizing towns."
"Holy shit, I've never heard about all this before."
"I'm telling you, you're lucky you got assigned here when you did, because you
would've been going to the city. The only thing keeping you safe is the Colonel who insists you stay in charge of this place; I don't want to think about the day when the Colonel finally croaks. Shit, I might just leave and take my chances, one arm be damned. YOU might want to think about leaving as well, because chances are Harry's going to be turning his attention towards you when that day comes."
"I still don't see what the hell I did to him, he's hated me since day one."
"Well, you got the Colonel's attention and his respect. You got a command position of your very own base, and most importantly you got Marina. He's always liked her. You didn't know?"
"Well she did mention one time that he came on to her in the past, well anyway, it hardly matters why he hates me I guess. What matters is I gotta think about how I'm gonna deal with this problem in the future."

Suddenly one of your assistants comes in and has something to report. Something you really don't want to know after having been given the recent information by Roger.

The Colonel has died, Harry has taken complete control of the Combine and his first order is for YOU to return to Fort Justice for reassignment.

Looks like you'll have to be thinking fast.
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