Ground Zero

"Fuck off Harry, and take your Combine and shove it up your ass. We're seceding." You abruptly tell him over the radio, before announcing your intensions to everyone else in the base.

You get a mixed reaction of apprehension, while a lot of them aren't too fond of Harry, they still like living with basic necessities, something that becomes apparent in the weeks to come. There are a number of problems from the beginning.

First of all, you're an isolated community and while that has its advantages, it also has its drawbacks, meaning the instant you tell Harry to fuck off and die over the radio, you're no longer getting any supplies of any kind, you're stuck with what you have. Medical supplies are scarce as it is; now they're non-existent. Forget about getting new ammo too.

Food is a bit of a problem, (Water isn't, the base has its own water recycling and filtering system, fortunately it's on the surface rather than underground) since you were getting a majority of that from Fort Justice. Some hunting is done in the surrounding wilderness. It becomes a major problem though when Harry sends an invasion detachment and cuts you off from even doing that. It's not even like you can start farming even if you had the means since the inside of the base is completely paved (as well as harboring a deranged doctor and his cyborgs)

The only thing that prevents him from completely taking the place is the fact he's spread a bit thin in other areas of the Combine with keeping control of other towns and you're pretty well fortified. Doesn't mean he can't continue to harass you, and he can keep supplying his people. You can't. His people are somewhat more battle hardened as well. Not that you're saddled with a bunch of non-combatants, but anyone that's still following Harry willingly has been indoctrinated with a little more fanatic conformity, which is a great thing to have in a soldier. So great, you wish you had more people like that.

A couple months after the initial siege; most people are ready to throw you to Harry's men in exchange for mercy. Marina and few others stand by you, but its mob rule. You're overwhelmed, disarmed and thrown to the invasion force outside.

All that still stayed loyal to you are immediately shot as traitors. The ones that turned on you are merely beaten (and a few of them shot to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again)

You and Marina are taken back to Harry. He gets a sadistic pleasure out of having you beaten in front of Marina. He attempts to give Marina one last chance to submit, but she refuses causing him to slap her upside the face and then start to rip off her clothes. You yell out, but are promptly beaten by Harry's guards again. Unfortunately for all his bravado Harry's unable to get it up. He tries like hell since he wants you to watch, but for whatever reason, his attempt at rape is a complete failure. Knowing the end is near anyway, Marina laughs at him before he smashes her skull against the ground yelling and screaming at her whole time.

He then kicks your bloody body and blames you for having to do that, you spit out a gob of blood and some teeth.

"Enjoy your fuckin' empire, you limp dick bitch." You groan.
"FUCK YOU, YOU GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT!" he replies back, grabbing his pistol off the table.

Harry then ends your existence by emptying his gun into you.
End Of Story