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The Teatime Of Infinity

Eager to escape the horrible puns of Illyseus, the golden calf Mooby galloped off into space. If you can imagine an enormous cow majestically galloping off in to the distance, power to you. This looked more like a drunken hobo staggering away from flashing lights.

The point is, Mooby found himself on the planet Chrysanthasha. It was a beautiful planet, with lush green grash waving peacefully in the blowing breeze. The entire place was warm, beautiful, and inviting.

Mooby hated it.

Where was the slapstick? Where were the innuendos? The entire planet was a gigantic, boring meadow! There was nothing even remotely funny about this place! Mooby had run away to escape Illyseus's horrible comedy, but he had not expected to find this. It was like surviving a volcano only to be plunged into a blizzard. Something had to be done.
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