Final Quest Version 2

You decide to ignore the gradually growing feeling and press on, even though you can still hear the voices whispering at either side of you.

"Look at the little child playing at being a warrior! She'll never be as good or as brave as the men!"

"The fate of the kingdom rests on
her [I]shoulders?! Don't make me laugh!"



Wincing, you squeeze your eyes shut as the voices echo through your mind and around the area. These are fears that have plagued you ever since you first made the decision to become a warrior in the King's service. Everyone thought that you'd return home beaten and disillusioned. No one expected your abilities to rival those of the male warriors.

Opening your eyes again, you see a winged figure standing in front of you with a bird nestled in each hand. You attempt to push away the feelings that are dogging your steps.

Roll one dice.

What do you get?
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