Final Quest Version 2

It doesn't take long for the mist to seep into your lungs, and you begin choking violently, inhaling a large amount of it before you collapse in a heap on the floor.


When you come to, it is to find yourself bound to a table and gagged. Off to one side of you, you can see a large man fingering a mace and eying you with a look that seems to be almost of lust.

"Good, you're awake."

With a great effort, you wrench your head to the side a little way, and then your eyes widen a bit.

The King is standing there.

"What a pity you had to come sneaking in here," the King comments with a sigh. "Now I must do this the hard way." He runs a finger lightly down the side of your face, and you make a protesting noise through your gag, struggling to break free of your bonds.

But, of course, you are helpless.

The King lowers his head to whisper in your ear: "Do not fight it." Then, black energy crackles from his fingertips and into your head, filling your mind with dark thoughts.

Even around your gag, you sceam in absolute agony, fighting what is happening with all your strength.

Roll one dice.

What do you get?
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