Final Quest Version 2

"What do you mean?" you ask, frowning a little and resisting the urge to take a step back. You're rather unsure as to whether or not you can trust this man. Who is he, and why is he here of all places? Not to mention the way he suddenly changed from an old man to a young one.

You don't really trust magic, to be honest...

"King Ayan has me under a spell in order to learn the knowledge that is in this scroll," the man explains, holding up a scroll. "It is one of the Scrolls of Life... I need to find the others so that I will be able to destroy the evil that threatens this land. Please help me," he begs, the expression on his face pleading.

Abruptly, you think of the scroll that you took from the messenger's saddlebags. Could that be one of these so-called Scrolls of Life?

But then... What about Ayan? You refuse to believe that he could have become evil, but what are you going to do?
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