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The Teatime Of Infinity

Suddenly, the crumpet emits sparks, and then begins to produce a faint purple glow. Will, who has been bouncing the crumpet in his hand, watches as the purple haze that had surrounded the crumpet begins to crawl up his body.

Will drops the crumpet in shock, and the baked good shatters into crumbs as it hits the carpet. After a few bright sparks, the crumbs of the crumpet are no longer emitting a purple light.

However, it is too late for Will. The light has taken root. The purple glow begins to creep up his arm, raising hairs and forming goose bumps as it reaches his elbow. As the eerie light covers more and more of Will's skin, it begins to travel faster and faster. Soon, the glow reaches Will's shoulders, where it begins to travel in all directions. Within a matter of seconds, Will's entire body is covered in a purple hazy light.

Will waves his arm, and a trail of purple dust glitters behind his hand. Curious, he spells out "nifty" with his finger. Sure enough, the purple sparkles spell out "nifty" before dissipating into thin air.

Suddenly, the faint purple aura surrounding Will's body begins to brighten. Will squints his eyes as the purple's hue becomes more vivid. He tries to shelter his eyes, but the piercing purple light is visible through his eyelids. Everything is lost in a sea of purple.


Will awakens. He still has a headache from the light, and he raises a hand to ease his throbbing forehead. Will discovers he has no fingers. Trying to bring his arm around into vision, he finds that his arm is covered in white feathers. In fact, it is no longer an arm: it's a wing. Will attempts to look at himself as best as he can without the aid of a mirror, and confirms his suspicions. His entire body is covered in white feathers, except for his scrawny orange feet. Will has been turned into a chicken!
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