The Island of Destiny

"Never!" you shout at the cruel, vampire girl. "I'll never join you!"

Feeling a burst of exhilarating adrenaline, you now take off into the pitch black jungle. The girl lets out a blood curdling shriek and you immediately hear her footsteps trailing behind you. Rushing forward through brush and plant, you pray with every inch of your being that you don't trip over or run into something. The jungle is extremely dark at this time of night, plus add on the fact that you don't really know where you're going exactly.

As you are running, all of a sudden you hit something solid and come to a crashing halt. You fall to the ground, blood gushing from your nose. You gaze up and although the deep darkness allows you to see very few things, you can make out the slight illumination of a person. Your vision is aided the next moment when this person strikes up a match, and you now see the sight for what it is.

A man with very shaggy, long hair stands before you gripping some sort of shield. The crest has a spotch of blood on it from where your nose cracked against it. He gazes down on you and you get a very, very good look at his gleaming canines. He gives out a good chortle and announces "Heehee, I've gottim!"

You look up towards him in hate and he returns your look with one of fickle amusement. A few moments later, he is joined by another man with a long, stern looking face. The man opens his mouth to talk and when you hear him speak, it sounds to you like a dry, slow rasp.

"Grenius, stop playing games and bag him up. Shakia said that she would meet us in the village later on. This one is going to the chambers."

Grenius giggles at this and then fetches a sack bag from his pocket. You can only guess where he's going to put it and you don't have to be kept in the dark long as sure enough, he swings it over your head. Then, the next minutes are in darkness until you find yourself slowly losing consciousness. You try and struggle onto reality, but in a few short seconds you lose it completely.


You awaken some time later on, finding yourself in a cold, gray cell. Solid, steel bars face you. What can you do now?
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