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The demon scam

Merle glares at you and sticks out her tongue. "You didn't have to come after me, I was FINE on my own!" With that, she turns and runs away.

"Merle!!" you scold and go after her. Luckily, you are much faster than she is and you soon catch up with her and grab her arm. "What are you doing, huh!?" you say angrily. "We have to get out of here, stop messing around!"

Merle keeps struggling, trying to push you away. "No! I don't want to!"

Naria steps up to you and crouches down to say to Merle in a gentle tone. "There there, little one, calm down. Your big brother was really worried about you."

Merle looks up at Naria and when she sees her fuzzy ears, she shuts up, her eyes widening.

You give a sigh of relief.
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