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The demon scam

You turn to Naria and say, "I am really grateful for your help so far, but I think we should go on alone from here."

Naria blinks, looking surprised. "But... will you really be able to be alright? How are you going to get back to your own world?"

You lower your gaze to the ground. "Well, I don't know, really... But I'll figure something out."

Merle, who's been studying Naria's tail with fashination, suddenly says, "I know how to get back, it's easy!"

Both you and Naria blink at the little girl. "Huh..!?"

Merle nods. "I'll show you." You glance at Naria, who shrugs. Your little sister reach out to touch one of the rock formations that is just next to you. Instantly, it starts to shimmer with the same glow you saw back in the forest. She puts her hand through it and turns to you. "See?"

You gape, totally stunned. "What the..!? YOU openened up the portal here by yourself?" Merle smiles. "Neat huh?"

You're too shocked to allow this to sink in just now, but you will make sure to talk to the village elders about this when you get back...

Instead you turn to Naria. "I guess this is farewell. We really need to head back..." The cat-demon smiles at you. "I know. You should get going."

You nod and take Merle's hand and step through the portal. The last thing you see of the demon realm, is Naria's feline grin and waving hand, and then you slip away to your own realm...

But, knowing Merle has this gift, you won't be able to keep out of the demon realm for good, will you? =)

End Of Story