Final Quest Version 2

Despite your misgivings, you continue on your way down the corridor, getting gradually closer to the young woman in front of you.

As soon as you get close enough to her, the woman turns to face you, and you stumble back in horror as she reveals the face of a corpse. Hands stretch out to you as the ghost stares at you with a pleading expression on her face.

-Help us... Please...- you hear inside your mind.

"Help you how?" you ask, fighting the urge to turn and run screaming back the way you came. You manage to avoid backing away any more, but it's rather close.

-Please... Help us,- the ghost repeats. Then, abruptly, she disappears, while the blood on the walls fades away as if it's never been.

For a long moment, you just stand there, taking several deep breaths in order to calm down from your start.

What are you going to do?
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