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Alpha Wolf

The 50ft Woman: Nancy Archer

If you were gigantic freak, you certainly would've tried to tap that ass, hell if you just had a freakishly gigantic dick, you would've tried to tap that ass, but some things just aren't meant to be.

Nancy was just a normal rich human woman who was stuck in a bad marriage with an abusive cheating husband. The intelligent thing for her to have done would've been to leave him, but she had incredibly low self esteem due to his verbal abuse as well. So she just took all his abuse with a smile.

Then one day some alien teenagers were fucking around with their toys on humans as usual and she got hit with some "Giant Ray". She was horrified at first, but yet liberated. Her new size predictably had given her confidence. She didn't waste any time, she immediately squashed her two timing abusive hubby and started a new life for herself. She did a few movies, but her main thing was modeling, mainly on those big billboards. Cancer sticks were popular back then so she had all kinds of contracts with cigarette companies. She was also a supporter of women's' rights and was also a big feminist.
She invented the slogan "You've come a long way baby"

However, despite all her new found freedom and her new life, she was still deep down unfulfilled. For whatever reason, she still wanted someone in her life, she had some suitors, but turned them all down and it was around that time when Kong was down on his luck and they met. It seems strange that Nancy would be interested in him, as he wasn't the most "enlightened male" (Compared to him, you were considered pretty "forward thinking") however that might've been why she fell for Kong. She felt that she failed at her past marriage by not trying hard enough to change him and just avoided the problem by stomping it into a bloody pulp. Kong was a chauvinist dick, and had problems controlling his anger. This would be her second chance! Apparently Nancy still had some issues.

All of which goes to confirm what you've known all along, they can talk all they want about how they want a sensitive guy that does all that romantic shit 24/7, but more often than not chicks always fall for the dick.

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